Friday, September 21, 2018

The first alcohol I had was when I was about 15. Kinda a late bloomer for what was to come. I remember my best friend showed me a couple beers he had acquired, and asked if I wanted to try it. I did. I think I drank about half of the can (I believe it was Schlitz, or some sort of swill); it was amazing. I was plastered! I don't know if it was my proclivities to such a thing or the passage of time, but I recall very little of the day other than that beer.

The first time I drank alcoholically was when I was 17. A thing had just happened, and I couldn't sleep. I was selling pints of hard alcohol to my classmates by then, and thought, "Well, I have a liquor store in my closet...a little nip will help me sleep." It did! Wonder of Wonders! Thus began my real affair with alcohol. I knew it was problem drinking, but ignored this fact and kept at it. Even in high-school, I was obsessed. I would painfully wait for the weekend.

Many baffling stories later, I present this poem to you, about my affair. It's titled "A Affair," because, well, AA. Anywho, stick this in, break it off, and let The Bone stay inside you:

A Affair

I’m in love with Alcohol.
She’s my hottie, my main squeeze.

I can have a different lover every night.

A Manhattan when I want a
city sophisticate,
a White Russian for my identity crisis,
Sex on the Beach for the exhibitionist in me.
And Coors sweating cold for the Cowboys,
Bloody Marys when I wanna ride that Red Tide.
a Hurricane for a quick fuck    up
and a Black Cow for those lonely Nebraska evenings…

Alabama Slammer for those southern sheriff nights,
fuzzy navels for my fixation
and a stiff    Tom           Collins              when
I want to reverse the roles and get fucked      up     
my     ass and a Shirley Temple when I want
to take a life but have no balls so I fuck     one     up.

She’s perfect for parties.
Champagne for a formal,
cans of Bud for the big game,
Vodka and Red Bull
for all-night raves.

And this lady, like Jesus, saves.

All the affairs I’ve had with
gin, tequila, scotch on the rocks
are forgiven on Sunday with a little bit of wine
three hail Mary’s
and Hennessy    for after the sermon
because I ain’t yet filled with the spirit.

And even 80-year-old Brandy can go all night,
can fuck me till I sleep, and when I wake she’s always there –

She never leaves me lonely.

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