Monday, October 1, 2018

Allan Ginsburg: Poet, Pedophile, Drug Advocate

Alan Ginsburg, celebrated NAMBLA member and author of some of the best poetry (or "one of the best poems"...might be easier to defend) America has produced. I knew Howl before I read Howl from The Simpsons and They Might be Giants. I can't say I liked the poem, but I did appreciate the, well...beat.

So, I tried to copy that beat, and was unsuccessful. I also tried to discuss the topic of basic human greed and all the garbage that topic encompasses. I'm 45 now. I'm getting to the age where, under normal circumstances, most people at least toy with the idea of voting conservatively, but the GOP whiffed that easy lob long ago. I used to be pretty idealistic, is what I'm saying, and for the most part, that is still true. So, this idealism...what's left of it in the age of pussy-grabber railing against what disgusts me. Homelessness, inhumanity, McDonald's, rape, despair. The five daemons we must slay to advance and survive as a species. 

Anywho, you've been Boned again. You should probably stop making a habit out of it, or you might wind up in diapers. Until that time, here's a free poem:

Never, Always Again

I’ve seen shackles wreaked wreaths
while we, drunk on the hatred
of foolish impotent struggle, full of
not-knowing impoverished over-ego,
blameless/brainless, slumped
meaningless eyeglasses in hands,
a fool’s embargo of common sense
ignored for thin drink, razor-like,
nonsense greasy as fried food, all too
willing to become marginalized,
beaten unwilling, unraped, synthetic due to clean
thoughts of self-genocide bleeding


clocks continue to strike unforgiven
plagiarism caught in the near-too four-square
wood-bottomed legs-crossed chest-heaved
neck-broke teeth shattered eyes gouged ears closed,
so they could (or could not) react to what they
don’t (or won’t) even attempt to know to be true.

And I, I amongst them, I, locked arms with them,
at no uncertain level, at no unknowing
embedded jeers hurled my way pockets, pistons
stoked fires and far away daydreams
before them at times, teeth bared
in the process of chanting what I thought was truth
at myself, at them, at chair wall chain structure
event horizon pulverizing a spine spent
crying, head down

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