Saturday, July 31, 2010

Man, I miss meth sometimes, yo!

Yo! Man, I miss meth sometimes, yo!

Actually, not methamphetimine itself, but the total lack of responsibility that comes with lighting up a fresh glass. I remember just sitting in my chair at 409 Windom grilling wings and smoking meth. I was way too drunk and high to pull it off though, and ended up burning the food. That happened a lot, actually. See? You don't have to be responsible when smoking meth, snorting Ambien, drinking Wild Turkey and grilling out. I used to come home all the time and open the grill to get 'er ready and finding last night's "supper" there.

Why is "supper" in quotes? Simple -- I never ate anything I grilled!

I'm better now. Why this post? Well, I was jamming to Recovery by Eminem and folding the laundry and it hit me -- if only I could smoke a great big glassa meth, all this laundry would go away...but so would my wife, my kids, my education, my job...the list goes on, yo!

The bird clock is singing 3:00. Actually, it's singing 7:00 cause the batteries went out 'n' I haven't bothered to fix it. NO, I'm NOT on meth...pinkie swear!

-- The Bone

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Prison Rape Poems

Hi there!

Today I'm starting my research into prison rape for a series of poems I'm writing. It's pretty threatening stuff actually. I just sent an email to several folks connected with the Nebraska State Corrections Facility. I'm wondering if they will be of any help...I'd hate to have to get a Freedom of Information Act packet and do this the hard way.

There is actually quite a bit of research on the net about this, ranging from Maxim interviews with Mike Tyson (!) to actual accounts from inmates. The content is OK, but I think actual interviews would help with the personae in a more personal way.

I wonder if there are any retired corrections officers out there? If you are one, get hold of me!

- The Bone